Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Little Birdies

FHE was last night and for the first time in a long time, I was in charge of the lesson part. I was asked to give the lesson on the Prophet's message from the June Ensign.
Combine that message with the fact that I have been quite the emotional wreck lately, and you get a very short, minimally wordy lesson.

But I have the need to write about it.

Writing is easier than talking :)

I feel like a canary with gray on her wings. Correction: I feel like a canary with nothing but gray. I am not exceptionally beautiful nor am I exceptionally good at any one thing.
But I feel like maybe, because of the things that have happened to me, I have a song. It might not be pretty, but it might be helpful.

I have been wondering what the lyrics to my song might be. What I came up with are 4 things:

1.) I can do hard things. And I can do them graciously.
2.) People are genuinely good.
3.) Time is the greatest healer. So wait.
4.) God in Heaven loves me. And you.

I hope my song helps someone, sometime.

I would love to hear your song.


Carli said...

Emily, Emily, Emily. I was just thinking this morning how GOOD you are at loving people. No joke. That is a rare talent/blessing and I'm grateful to have you as an example! Oh - and I love your song.

Lori said...

I love the color yellow with a tint of gray . . . those two colors go together very well. You look in the mirror and you see a totally different reflection than the rest of us see. I see someone who is just as beautiful on the outside as well as in the inside. I see someone who is beyond talented and someone who is very Christlike. You are sweet and kind to everyone you meet and so caring too. You are constantly serving others without wanting any acknowledgement whatsoever. Plus, you're my second cousin (through marriage - but still counts) and that is the best of all!!! I love how you phrased your feelings because they are what I feel about myself all the time.

Jen said...

Love You! Thanks for letting us come swim today :)

Christine Marie said...

Emily, you have always inspired me. You make me want to be a better person, because of how much light you have. I love you and I know that a lot of other people do too. Hang in there, dear. Love you!