Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Club Acitivity

Ok, people! Instead of telling you about the club acitivity after it happens, I'm going to tell you before so you all come!
It is this Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 5:00 PM.
So now there's no getting our of it :)
But really, I want to get the word out there that this is not an awkward thing to come to. It really is so fun and you are hanging out with some AWESOME people. I know sometimes things like this can be intimidating, but I really want you to know that we would love to see you there. Even if you can't be there for the whole time, just come for a little bit and see what good things are going on.
I'm talking to you Kristin, Chloe, Brittany, Britney, Christine and anyone else who reads this! Come! You will be so happy you did :) And I promise you will be touched. If you're in need of some inspiration, you know where to be Saturday night :)


Britney {Jesses Girl} said...

dude...i really wanna come! But we can't this saturday. :(

Let me know when the next one is and i'll see if i can talk jess into coming with me! i think it'd be so fun!

have fun!

Kristin said...

haha you called me out! I'm at a loss as to what this club activity thing even is?

Jen said...

Good idea to spread the word. Tell people that ice cream will be there, that will get them to come :)

See ya Saturday! (Well I guess Friday @ the Temple. I'm so excited for Cami!!!!!)

Heidi said...

I so wish we could be there and come!! I hope these things are still going on in July when we move back down there for good :) I know Cara would LOVE to hold my baby ;)

Old Man Wise said...

ya know, I think Brig twitterpatted me once...