Friday, October 12, 2012


You thought I had given up on this little place, didn't you? You're partly right. I was looking back through several of the most recent posts I had written and yowza! Super serious time. No bueno. Here's to being a little more lighthearted in the future :) And here's a little of what we have been up to:
Brig and Scott demolished our bathroom and now it's pretty. I will take an after shot. But not right now, you don't wanna see it right now. Trust me.

Went to Disneyworld with my family for the little brother's Make A Wish Trip. This. was. Awesome!!!

Graduated from college! Yippee!

Gave shots to little calves. It's good for them (that's what I had to keep telling myself as they mooed in pain)

Brig started medical school at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix. So proud of that hunk!

And the biggest (literally) news of all is... we are gonna have a baby boy in March! this is me at 17 weeks, I am now about 20 weeks.

We also welcomed a new niece and nephew! We are blessed, blessed, blessed.


Unknown said...

yay! wow! so many changes!

you are so tiny! i look like i'm about to have my baby and not 20 weeks. haha! i hope you've been feeling great!

Heidi said...

Hooray for an update! You are such a cute little pregnant lady!! :)

Jen said...

Love you so much Em!
Sooooo excited for you and Brig!!!!

Yep, now you need to blog more;)

Cami said...

we Love Emily! Thats what Jacks and I are thinking right now. Can't wait for that little boy to pop out. 20 more weeks of cooking.

The McKennas said...

Love the update!! here's to a speedy 20 more weeks ;) whoo hoo!

Kristalyn said...

This is such a wonderfully, happy post! I am so excited for your little guy who's on the way, and congrats to Brig getting into med school - and in the valley still, too. Also, I'm glad you all got to go to Disneyworld. I love it. It's all so wonderful! Thanks for posting!!! :)