Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Another Thursday :) I am so grateful to be able to feel this squirmy little guy moving around in his tight quarters. He was moving a ton the other day so finally I looked down and my stomach moved! So crazy.

What are you thankful for?


Jen said...

Isn't it the coolest :)

Kami Milliron said...

This is when it gets FUN ! The best is once you're farther along and your stomach actually goes lopsided because the baby is in a weird position. I love the moving stage - it's amazing and there is no way to describe it !

The McKennas said...

haha experiencing those same things at the moment! it's amazing...Lately I've been really thankful for my upbringing and how it's shaped me. Looking good little pregnant woman!

Cami said...

thank you for babysitting for me on Saturday!